Signatures (avancées) : authentification basée sur les connaissances ( KBA )

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Knowledge-based authentication (KBA) is required for IRS Form 8879. TaxDome fully meets the IRS requirements at a low per-signature cost.

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KBA is used to verify the identity of a taxpayer in order to get IRS-compliant electronic signatures. Clients are verified through a combination of ID document and consumer data verification. 

KBA will not work for ITINs, so make sure that your clients have their SSNs handy before enabling KBA.

Voici comment cela fonctionne:

1. First, you need to check whether Show KBA toggle in the Signatures section of the Settings > Firm settings page is enabled.

2. Deuxièmement, ajoutez des fonds au solde de votre entreprise . Voici le prix pour la tentative de chaque signataire.

3. Then, upload the document that needs to be signed, request the signatures, then toggle on Require KBA.

4. Lors de la signature, il sera demandé à votre client de vérifier son numéro de sécurité sociale et de répondre à cinq questions générées aléatoirement à partir de ses dossiers publics. Il s'agit généralement de questions à choix multiples, telles que le nom de leur prêteur hypothécaire, le type de voiture, une ancienne adresse ou un ancien numéro de téléphone. Il ne s'agit pas d'une vérification de crédit mais d'un moyen de vérifier numériquement leur identité.

5. The client gets only two attempts to answer the KBA questions. They need to answer at least three out of five correctly during either attempt.

You'll receive a notification when a client passes or fails KBA.

KBA pricing

If you decide to use KBA you are charged for each signer's attempt on signing the single document. It happens once the client is trying to sign with KBA. You are charged regardless of the attempt (successful or unsuccessful).


Tip: To save money, merge several documents of one client and use them for one KBA attempt.

However, before the document with KBA is sent we check if there are enough funds on your firm balance. When you request a KBA, you are always informed of how much funds are already used for pending KBA signatures, how much will be used for the current document, and how much you have on your balance. 

Each signer's KBA attempt price is based on the national currency of the country your firm listed when creating your TaxDome account. 

For example, if the firm is registered in the US and you request two spouses' signatures, you will be charged a total of $2 (1$ for each signature verification). But if they fail to pass KBA and attempt one more time, you will be charged a total of $4.

KBA attempt price Devise
1.5 EUR
1.5 NAD
10 NOK
10 SEK

Selon vos besoins, vous avez la possibilité d'ajouter différents montants au solde de votre entreprise. Accédez à Paramètres > Solde ferme dans la barre de menu de gauche, sélectionnez le montant, puis cliquez sur Acheter . Cela peut être fait par une entreprise patron , administrateur ou tout employé disposant des droits d'accès au solde de l'entreprise de facturation .

You can always view your KBA usage stats by clicking the Audit trail link at the top right of the Firm Balance page.

Adding KBA to a signature request

To send a signature request with KBA:

1. Téléchargez le document dans les documents du cabinet partagés avec le client dossier, cliquez sur les trois points à l'extrême droite du nom du document, puis cliquez sur Demander une signature dans le menu déroulant.

2. Toggle on Require KBA, then add the required signature fields.

Gardez à l'esprit:

  • A document can contain as many signature fields as needed. But if you merge documents (e.g., state and federal returns) into one file, each KBA signature field will be charged separately according to these prices.
  • When requesting a signature with KBA for a client account that has two or more email addresses in their linked contacts, indicate which user needs to sign the document by selecting their email address under the Signers.
  • If your firm balance is zero, or you have pending KBA signatures equal to your balance, you’ll be prompted to add funds.

Can a client use an ITIN instead of an SSN for KBA?

No. An individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN) is issued to an individual for taxation purposes only. ITINs are not meant to be used as identification for obtaining credit. Credit systems won’t recognize them as anything other than an incorrect social security number, so they cannot be used for KBA.

Is a credit check performed during the KBA? 

No. During KBA credit is not verified, so no credit check.

What to do if a client fails KBA

A client gets two attempts to pass KBA. If they fail to answer a sufficient number of questions correctly both times, you’ll receive a notification, and the KBA failure will also be noted in the document’s audit trail.

You can reset the failed attempts and resend the signature request to clients who did not pass KBA. To do this, go click the three dots to the far right of the document’s name, then select Reset KBA and resend signature request.

After clicking this, the signature request will be resent to clients who failed KBA. Note that you will be charged according to these prices for each verification attempt. Clients that have successfully signed the documents will not be affected. 


Note! All KBA resets can be found in the document audit trail.

Vous pouvez également utiliser l'une de ces solutions de contournement :

  • Téléchargez à nouveau le document et demandez une signature comme vous l'avez fait la première fois
  • Demandez au client d'imprimer le document, de le signer à la main, puis de le télécharger sur son portail client
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