E-mail ( Basique ) : Arrêter la synchronisation des e-mails

You can stop email sync or change the email address that is synced to TaxDome at any time. Here's how:

1. Navigate to Settings, then click the Stop email sync button on My Account tab.

2. Click Stop in the Stop email sync confirmation pop-up.

La synchronisation des e-mails est désormais désactivée. Vous pouvez maintenant synchroniser un autre e-mail avec TaxDome .


Attention! Désynchronisation e-mail l'adresse signifie que tous les automatismes dans pipeline impliquant l'envoi d'un e-mail ne fonctionnera plus. L'étape précédente donnera des erreurs car elle ne peut pas continuer. En savoir plus dans cet article .

Email sync notifications

You can see the following email sync notifications:

  • In case email sync is not enabled: “You have not synced your email account with TaxDome so you won't see notifications about mail sent your email account. Sync your email account in Profile settings”.
  • In case it stopped working: “Email synchronization stopped working. Please disable and enable it again in your profile settings”.

If you click ✖ on this notification, you will have the following options:

  • Remind later — remove the notification for 24 hours.
  • Never show again — permanently remove the notification.

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